Coastal Land-Air-Sea Interaction

About this project

The coast marks a significant geophysical transition zone. The goal of CLASI was to use along-track ship measurements, an array of land-based stations, and satellite remote sensing images to gain a better understanding of this complicated region from both an atmospheric and oceanographic perspective. The field observations were made in Monterey Bay, California during June of 2016. The experiment spanned a range of different conditions, making for a rich data set to analyze.

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Sampling near Santa Cruz Harbor. Notice the effect this large kelp bed has on the surface waves.
The placid waters of Capitola in the northeastern corner of Monterey Bay. Out at the western edge of the bay the winds were > 20 knts.

Jacob Rice (an ocean engineering Master’s student) grabbing a rest during sampling. The grey boxes above his head hold the data acquisition systems.

Heading out towards Pt. Pinos on the southern edge of the bay, strong westerly winds generated these thick scum lines radiating from the point.

Interesting up-close look at a surface frontal feature. This was taken right at a sharp gradient in the wind field, but may also be caused by internal tides.
Smooth waters by the City of Monterey. That bow sprit holds 3 acoustic wave gauges (the silver canister with a cable coming out of it).

Interesting cloud features as the atmospheric flow comes over the Monterey Peninsula.