The Alfred C. Glassell Jr. SUSTAIN Laboratory
A Multifaceted Wind-Wave-Storm Simulator
The Alfred C. Glassell, Jr. SUSTAIN Laboratory (SUrge-STructure-Atmosphere INteraction) is a unique resource for studying the complex air-sea interactions of wind, waves and shorelines, including:
• Understanding hurricane rapid intensification, storm surges and wave dynamics
• Modeling extreme weather conditions
• Designing sensors and oceanographic instruments
• Creating numerical models
• Developing protective wave barriers
This powerful wind-wave tank at the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science can create category 5 hurricane force winds of up to 155 mph 69 (mps) /enclosed in clear acrylic so that water and wind actions can be monitored in a 3-D environment.
It is an ideal platform for testing scientific instruments, new materials, and commercial products designed for coastal water, atmospheric or land environments. Due to its acrylic construction and elevated placement, SUSTAIN is well suited for imaging and visualization applications, including commercial film and television productions.